Thursday, December 17, 2009

Advent Calendar Dec 17th - The Year the Tree Fell Over

I'm sure my family can't be the only one that has had the catastrophe of the tree falling over.

At least I hope not.

I was in grade school, but don't recall my exact age. I do know that I was of the age that "good things came in big boxes" rather than the other way around. We had opened most of our presents and there were two large boxes tucked back behind the tree. I went to pull them out and in my hurry or struggle, I sent the live tree (with water in it's stand) toppling over. There was some water from the tree stand that was spilled and one of my glass Baby's First Christmas ornaments was broken in the melee. I remember feeling so bad about that beautiful glass ball ornament because my mother's good friend had given it to me.

And the big box......well it was either a pillow or a new blanket for my bed. Certainly not worthy of the disaster I caused!


  1. We also had a great tree disaster year. At first we thought one of the cats was guilty, until we found out that we didn't have the right kind of stand for our big tree.

  2. I understand that cats and Christmas trees can be a bad combination. Fortunately, our dog has never bothered the tree. I can't say the same thing about the toddler in our home......
